Our commitment to reduce environmental impact
Traveling doesn’t mean we have to leave our green habits at home. Green Key Global is a leading, international, environmental certification body.
The Green Key Eco-Rating Program and Green Key Meetings Programs recognize hotels that are committed to improving their environmental and fiscal performance, and have achieved key milestones in:
- The reduction of energy use
- Water conservation
- Solid and hazardous waste management
- Community outreach
Recognized hotels include:
- Delta Edmonton
- Holiday Inn Express Edmonton Downtown
- Delta Vancouver Suites
- Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport
- Radisson Admiral Harbourfront
- Bond Place Hotel
- Strathcona Hotel
- Radisson Suites Hotel Toronto Airport
- Pantages Hotel Toronto Downtown
- Novotel Toronto Center
Many of our hotels have exceeded the Green Key standards.
The Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport was Canada’s first new build hotel accredited through Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®). The hotel was built “green” from the ground up, using a number of sustainable components such as environmentally friendly sealants, paints and carpeting. Other initiatives include heat and water conservation programs, biodegradable takeaway items, and low maintenance landscaping.
The Aloft Montreal Airport is part of Starwood’s “Soak and Save” program, which mandates sustainable practices for hotel-wide recycling, water use, and laundry.
The Delta Vancouver Suites is a member of Delta’s national sustainability program, Delta Greens, which sets out and monitors a number of environmental practices.
The Novotel Toronto Center has been recognized by TripAdvisor as a Green Leaders Gold Level hotel and is ISO certified.